Your move to the Domaine villas

Distribution of beds ...

To prepare for your arrival and enable us to meet your needs perfectly, you can use this form to tell us how to prepare your rooms:
- separate or joined beds
- installation of an extra bed for a child
- or a cot for a baby.

You can also assign each guest to a villa and a room, specifying the name of the occupant of each bed.
At the end, you'll receive a summary map to help everyone find their villa and room on arrival at the estate.

Please refer to the estate map and villa descriptions to identify the location and configuration of the spaces available to you.

Group name : Test Group - Password : motdepasse - Arrival date : 2023-05-31
AcaciaSéjourAcacia_séjourAcaciaChambre 1Acacia-ch1AcaciaChambre des cerisiersCerisiersChaletChaletChaletLavandeChambre 1Lavande_ch1LavandeChambre 2Lavande_ch2TilleulChambre 1Tilleul_ch1TilleulChambre 2Tilleul_ch2TilleulSéjourTilleul_séjour


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A family property, designed for relaxing vacations in the heart of the Drôme Provençale.

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